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Managing cases as a plant owner
Managing cases as a plant owner

This article highlights how to manage cases in Aquipa as a plant owner

Updated over a month ago

Understanding Cases

Cases can be created against Plant or Operators. If a case exists it means that an event has taken place that rules out the Plant or Operator from working until the case is resolved.

The Aquipa Cases module allows you to view case details and communicate with all stakeholders in the one platform to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently.

ℹ️ Examples of Plant Cases:

Plant Application Rejected

Plant Assessment Rejected

Plant Forced Flagged due to incident

Plant Tag Out

ℹ️ Example Operator Cases:

Operator Competency Verification Rejected

Getting Notified

When an event takes place that creates a case all Owner and Admin roles are sent an Email notification regarding the event.

Assignment Rules

The stakeholder who triggered the case creation will automatically get assigned to the case as will the Owner and Admin roles of the Business account the case corresponds to.

A Stakeholder who is assigned to the case can also assign other users in their entity. To do so all they need to do us simply open the case and click Assign. They can then select Users by typing their name or selecting from the drop down menu.

When you are assigned to a case you will receive notifications for:

- Stakeholder Comments Posted

- Supporting Files Loaded

- Closing of the Case

Editing Assignment Rules

If you wish to change or edit the users that get automatically assigned to Cases for your business you can do so in the configuration panel.

Select Configuration Panel > Cases

Here you will see a table of all the Client workflows that your business is connected to. If you wish to change the case assignee for a workflow click on the 3 dots to the right hand side of the row and click Edit Default Subscribers. A dialogue will appear which will allow you to choose the new users you wish to assign to that workflow. Once selected click the confirm button.

Resolving a Case

To take action go the cases module and select the "Open" tab to view a list of all open cases.

There are an array of filters at the top of the page that you can use to help find the case you are looking for.

Once you have found the case you wish to action click the arrow button in the row to bring up the case details.

ℹ️ Corresponding arrow buttons can be found at the far right of each row

Case Resolution Area:

1. The case will contain a "Title", "Description" and a "Case ID" as we as a reference to the Plant ID

2. When resolving the case you may want to provide supporting evidence to show that the issue is rectified before marking as complete. To do so click the upload icon.

3. To resolve the case you may want to leave a comment for another stakeholder in the conversation panel. All those assigned to the case will be notified of each others comments.

4. Some cases will allow you to "Mark Complete" to close. Others will require you to resubmit the failed application, assessment or verification in order for it to be closed. If so the button will give this instruction. When resubmitting it is important that you do so directly from the case resolution area by clicking the button. contain a button that require you to resubmit an application or assessment or Reload a verification review.

Some cases you will not be able to close yourself. These types of cases are created by a third party outside of your organisation (Often the Client you provide services to). They often are asking for evidence that the issue has been resolved which you can provide in the comments and upload section. Upon doing so the third party will be notified and if satisfied with the resolution they will "Mark Complete" their end to close the case.

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