Understanding Cases
Cases can be created against Plant. If a case exists it means that an event has taken place that rules out the Plant from working until the case is resolved.
The Aquipa Cases module allows you to view case details and communicate with all stakeholders in the one platform to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently.
ℹ️ Examples of Plant Cases:
Plant Application Rejected
Plant Assessment Rejected
Plant Forced Flagged due to incident
Plant Tag Out
Case Managers
Case Managers are the only users who are able to manually close any cases related to the Sydney Metro Compliance Schema. Example cases would be those raised from Plant Applications, Plant Assessments and Plant Force Flagged due to incidents.
To assign users the role of case manager go to
Handling Cases
Plant Application Cases
Plant application cases are created by an RSO rejecting plant owners plant application. When this event takes place the following actions will proceed:
1. The Stakeholder who triggered the case, Case Managers (RIM) and the business that owns the plant are automatically assigned to the case for the purpose of resolution.
2. The business that owns the plant and Case Managers are notified via email and in app notifications.
3. The business that owns the plant will need to read the instructions provided in the case and take action. An "Edit Application" button will be visible to them to be able to make the appropriate changes required. Upon making the changes and resubmitting, the case will be considered resolved and closed for all Stakeholders. The application will now need to be reviewed again by the RSO.
ℹ︎ A Case Manager (RIM) can choose to close the case at any time. If they choose to close the case manually they will have the option to discard the application or send the application back to the review process.
Plant Assessment Cases
Plant assessment cases are created by Sydney Metro rejecting an ICP's plant assessment. If Sydney Metro rejects the assessment:
1. The Stakeholder who triggered the case, the Assessment Default Assignees RIM), the RSO Application Approver and the ICP are automatically assigned to the case for the purpose of resolution.
2. The ICP, RSO application approver and Case Managers (RIM) are notified via email and in app notifications.
3. The ICP will need to read the instructions provided in the case and take action. A "Reload Assessment Form" button will be visible to them to be able to make the appropriate changes required. Upon making the changes and resubmitting, the case will be considered resolved and closed for all Stakeholders. The assessment will now need to be reviewed again by Sydney Metro.
ℹ︎ A Case Manager (RIM) can choose to close the case at any time. This If they choose to close the case manually this will send the assessment back to the review process.
Force Flag vs Tag Out
If a plant is forced flagged due to an incident it will change the Sydney Metro network compliance status to non compliant. When a plant is force flagged a case is created and the plant is deemed no longer compliant to be at site until the case is resolved.
If a plant is tagged out it due to a fault it will be placed in a state of DO NOT OPERATE but the Sydney Metro network compliance will not be changed, meaning that a plant can be deemed DO NOT OPERATE but its network compliance can still remain compliant. When a plant is tagged out a case is created and the plant cannot be operated until the case is resolved.
Force Flagged Cases
Any stakeholder has the ability to Force Flag a plant if their role has the required permissions granted. These can be set from the configuration panel.
When a plant is Force Flagged the following actions will proceed:
1. The Stakeholder who triggered the case, the case manager, the RSO Application Approver and the business that owns the plant are automatically assigned to the case for the purpose of resolution.
2. The business that owns the plant and case managers are notified via email and in app notifications.
3. The business that owns the plant will need to read the instructions provided in the case and take action by uploading any supporting documents to confirm that relevant action to resolve the issue has taken place. All assignees are notified of files, documents and comments being uploaded to the case so that they can view the evidence being submitted.
When the Case Manager (RIM) is happy that the plant is fit for purpose they can close the case.
Closing the case will grant the plant an approved network compliance once again.
Tag Out Cases
The closure of cases created from Plant Tag Outs are managed by the business that owns the Plant. They can configure users by assignment rules and permissions to determine the right person with relevant authority to close these cases.
Additional Information
A Stakeholder who is assigned to the case can also assign other users in their entity. To do so all they need to do us simply open the case and click Assign. They can then select Users by typing their name or selecting from the drop down menu.
When you are assigned to a case you will receive notifications for:
- Stakeholder Comments Posted
- Supporting Files Loaded
- Closing of the Case
2. When another Rail Network Flags a plant and creates a case if that plant is connected to your network a notification will be sent making you aware of the incident. You are able to view this case, read the details and then digest the information to make an informed decision as to whether you want to follow suit and also flag the plant on your network, creating a case and making the plant non compliant to operate.