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Sydney Trains Supplier Guide

A guide to connecting your plant to Sydney Trains. Contains workflows, bookings, cases & tasks info as well as operator & plant onboarding

Updated over 2 months ago

What's the purpose of this guide?

The Sydney Trains Supplier Guide serves as a comprehensive resource designed to facilitate a seamless integration process for all suppliers partnering with Sydney Trains. This guide aims to provide suppliers with valuable insights and step-by-step instructions to effectively navigate the onboarding process. In this guide we will be covering the following:

Plant Onboarding

Plant Onboarding Connection Workflow

The below diagram workflow serves as a step-by step of the onboarding process for Plant.

Adding Plant

The below video serves as a guide on how to add your assets to your Aquipa account:

1. Go to the Plant module via the left hand side menu.

2. Select the "+ Add Plant" Icon in the top right of the page.

3. Complete the plant information form.

Further information regarding adding plant can be found the following help article: Add Plant.

Managing Plant Documentation

The below video serves as a guide on how to add asset documentation to your plants profile:

1. Go to the Plant module via the left hand side menu.

2. Go to the assets plant profile.

3. Select the document icon on the right hand side menu.

4. Select the "+ Add New" button.

5. from the dropdown, select the document type that you wish to upload.

6. Complete the form, upload the document, and press submit.

Further information regarding plant documentation can be found in this help article: Plant Key Documents.

Connecting your Asset to Sydney Trains

The below video serves as a guide on how to connect your asset to a client, such as Sydney Trains:

1. Go to the Plant module via the left hand side menu.

2. Go to the assets plant profile.

3. Select the "Manage Client Connections" button.

4. Select Sydney Trains from the dropdown.

5. Select the PHS application type that is most appropriate to your asset.

6. Complete the PHS application.

Further information regarding connecting your assets to clients can be found here: Apply To Connect Existing Plant to a Client.

Services, Supplementary Services and Plant Attachments

Upon securing a contract with Sydney Trains, it’s important to onboard your plant in accordance with the specified Service requirements outlined in the contract. Sydney Trains uses the Service code to define the type of plant you have; this process plays a crucial role in organizing and allocating plant to Bookings.

Every Service is associated with a set of Supplementary Services and Plant Attachments. It is advisable that if your capabilities extend to providing these services or plant attachments, you incorporate them into your plant profile. By applying these capabilities, you extend the accessibility of your plant for bookings, maximizing its availability.

A Service can be labelled as “8911 – Short Notice Fee”. Similarly, attachments follow the same format, for example “86PF – Pallet Forks”.

Further information regarding adding or modifying your assets Supplementary Services & Plant Attachments, can be found here: How to Add Supplementary Services & Attachments (Sydney Trains PHS Suppliers Only).

Operator Onboarding

Operator Onboarding Workflow

The below diagram workflow serves as a step-by step of the onboarding process for both internal & external operators.

Adding Operators to your Business

Employee Operators:

The below video serves as a guide on how to add employees as operators:

1. Go to the Operators module via the left hand side menu.

2. Select the "+ Add Operator" button in the top right of the module.

3. Using the "Select an Employee" dropdown, select the user you wish to be made an operator and submit.

External Operators:

1. Go to the Operators module via the left hand side menu.

2. Select the "+ Add Operator" button in the top right of the module.

3. Enter the person's email address into the "Invite a Third Party Operator" box and press submit.

4. The external operator must log into their Aquipa account and accept the invitation.

Further information regarding operators can be found in this article: Add Operators to your Business

Connecting Operators to Sydney Trains

The below video serves as a guide on how to connect operators in your Aquipa account to a client, such as Sydney Trains:

1. Go to the Operators module via the left hand side menu.

2. Select the 3-Dot to the right of the operator you wish to connect.

3. From the dropdown options select "+ Connect Operator to Client".

4. In the Connect to A Client prompt, select Sydney Trains and press submit.

5. Once the operator is accepted by Sydney Trains, the "Connection Status" column in the operators table will state "Sydney Trains [ Available ]".

Further information regarding operators can be found in this article: Add Operators to your Business

What Happens If My Operator Isn't Accepted by Sydney Trains?

Your operator connection request may either be put on hold or rejected by Sydney Trains. If the request has been put on hold, please refer to the tasks module as Sydney Trains may require further information before proceeding.

If rejected by Sydney Trains, you will be notified and a Case will be created in Aquipa for you to work on getting any issues resolved. When you reload the application to connect the operator, the Case created from prior rejection will be automatically closed.

Cases & Tasks

What are Cases & Tasks?

Cases and Tasks can be created against Plant or Operators. If a case exists it means that an event has taken place that rules out the Plant or Operator from working until the case is resolved. If a task is raised then either a Plant or Operator competency requires further review.

The Aquipa Cases & Tasks modules allows you to view cases and tasks details and communicate with all stakeholders in the one platform to resolve the issue quickly and efficiently.

How Can I Action my Tasks & Cases?

The Tasks & Cases modules are both located in the left hand side menu of Aquipa.

Referring to the open tab in Tasks module you can view all open tasks that have been raised. Upon opening a task a window will be opened from the right hand side of your screen, this tab will contain details regarding task. Using the comments section you can communicate with the client regarding the task. Once the task has been resolved you may select the "Approve and Close" button.

Referring to the open tab in Cases module you can view all open cases that have been raised. Similar to the tasks module, you can use the comments section to communicate with the client regarding the raised issue.

For further information on cases, please see this help article: Cases.


What are Bookings?

A Booking in Aquipa represents a package of work offered by a hiring client, to a supplier. Bookings are configured to the requirements of your hiring clients in Aquipa.

When Sydney Trains creates a booking, the criteria defined in the booking determines which of your plant and operators are eligible for that booking. Example criteria include:

  1. Services and Supplementary Services

  2. Attachments

  3. Plant Operator Competencies

  4. Distance from job site

Accepting Bookings

To accept a booking as a supplier, please follow the below steps:

1. Select the "Bookings" module on the left hand side menu.

2. Using the filters above the bookings table, select the status filter and apply the "Pending" status option.

3. Select a pending booking by pressing the arrow on the right side of the row.

4. Once you've read through the offered booking, select the "Accept" button.

5. Select the "Select Plant" button and select the plant that is most appropriate for the booking.

For further information regarding accepting or rejecting bookings as a supplier, please see the following help article: How to Accept/Reject Pending Sydney Trains Bookings

Checking Into Bookings

To check into a booking as an operator using a mobile or tablet device, please follow the below steps:

1. Select the "Check In" button in the left hand side menu of Aquipa.

2. You will be prompted with a check in menu, from the dropdown select one of the three options (Scan QR Code, Search Plant, Search Booking) to check in.

3. Once you have located the booking via one of the three options, press the "Check In" button at the top of the booking summary.

For further information regarding checking into bookings as an operator, please see the below help articles:

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