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How to Create a Maintenance Plan
How to Create a Maintenance Plan

Create custom maintenance plan templates that can be connected to you assets to manage preventative maintenance schedules

Updated over 2 months ago

You can schedule preventive maintenance in Aquipa by creating maintenance plans and then configuring them to your chosen assets.

Custom built forms in Aquipa can be linked to each preventative maintenance interval in your plan ensuring your maintainer has the correct checklist when the time comes to perform the scheduled maintenance.

Building Custom Maintenance Forms:

Maintenance Plans will most likely contain multiple intervals.

When it comes to building forms to suit your maintenance plans you can choose to either build a form for each interval in your plan or choose to build one form that contains sections for each interval.

If you are on a Plant Owner subscription Aquipa can build up to 3 custom checklists of your choice. Click here to fill out the form

We also offer 1-on-1 form builder training - To enquire more about booking a session please contact us.

Creating a Maintenance Plan

1. Click your Avatar (circle in the top right hand corner) and from the drop down menu click configuration panel.

2. Click Maintenance in the left hand side panel and then click the Maintenance Plans tab at the top of the screen. To create a plan click the Create Maintenance Plan button at the top right.

3. Name your plan. Then if you require the maintenances performed under this plan to have a reviewer to sign off, tick the Requires review box. In this example we have named our plan Heavy Vehicle.

4. To add your first maintenance interval step click Step 1.

5. Name the interval step. In our example plan we are going to have 4 service interval steps, Service A, B, C & D.

As a result we have named this First interval step Service A.

6. Now choose a template from one of your maintenance type forms.

You might have chosen to create separate custom template forms for each interval step.

  • Heavy Vehicle Service A

  • Heavy Vehicle Service B

  • Heavy Vehicle Service C

  • Heavy Vehicle Service D


You might have chosen to create a single custom template form that covers all interval steps for your plan.

  • Heavy Vehicle

Note: If you choose to use just a single template form to cover all interval steps in your plan you will be required to link corresponding form sections to your maintenance interval steps. To do so requires further configuration after you have created your Maintenance Plan. Please see this help article - Linking Maintenance Form Sections to Interval Steps in a Maintenance Plan

If you are not using custom maintenance forms choose the basic maintenance template. The basic maintenance form is a template within Aquipa that allows a maintainer to log some basic details of the performed maintenance with the ability to upload files to support evidence of completion.

7. Once you have selected your chosen template you should then set the Repeat interval conditions of this step. Choose the parameter and then enter how often the interval must repeat. For example: Odometer, Every 10,000 km.

8. You can choose whether you would like the interval step to have a maintenance tolerance. If Yes click and enter the tolerance in %.

The asset will auto tag out if a maintenance interval is overdue. However if a tolerance has been added to the interval the asset will remain available to operate until the tolerance is exceeded. The system will then Tag the plant out.

9. To add the next Interval steps to your plan simply click the Add Step button in the bottom left corner and repeat the process adding your requirements for each Interval step.

10. When you have added all your interval steps click confirm in the bottom right corner of your page.

11. Your plan has now been created and will appear in the Maintenance Plan table. You may edit or delete a plan by clicking the three dots.

Warning: Editing a plan will not update any scheduled maintenance configured to an asset prior to the edit taking place.

Warning: Deleting a plan will remove any scheduled maintenance configured to an asset.


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