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How to Configure Maintenance Plans
How to Configure Maintenance Plans

Create custom maintenance plan templates that can be connected to you assets to manage preventative maintenance schedules

Updated over 2 months ago


Maintenance Plan Steps

To configure a preventative maintenance plan for an asset in Aquipa there are certain steps that need to be taken:

  1. Build Service Maintenance Form

  2. Create Task Templates

  3. Create Maintenance Plan

  4. Attach Maintenance Plan to Asset

Building Custom Maintenance Forms

Maintenance Plans will most likely contain multiple intervals. When it comes to building custom maintenance forms it is best to build a form that contains sections for each interval.

For example if a Ballast Tamper service checklist contains a category for Engine & Generator checks, for service intervals A,B,C & D, it would be best to build sections in the form that replicate this:


  • Engine & Generator - A Checks

  • Engine & Generator - B Checks

  • Engine & Generator - C Checks

  • Engine & Generator - D Checks

To access the Form Builder go to your:

  1. Avatar in the top right corner

  2. Configuration Panel

  3. Maintenance

  4. Checklist Templates

  5. Create Maintenance Checklist

If you would like to learn more on how to use the Form Builder we provide 1-on-1 training sessions. To enquire about booking a session please contact [email protected]

Creating Task Templates

Task templates isolate checklist sections in the form to create manageable maintenance tasks that can then be attached to a maintenance plan.

Tasks templates allow for the correct Maintenance Tasks to be loaded for an interval work order.

If we continue with the example above a task template could be created for the Ballast Tamper Engine & Generator checks.

In the template you can give the task a title, place task instructions, add a trade group and set its criticality.

When creating the task you would select the Checklist template you want to isolate sections from and then choose the template sections that you wish to include for this task. For example if you wanted to create a task template for Ballast Tamper Engine & Generator checks include all the service interval sections you created in the form for “Engine & Generator. This will be important for creating our plan template in the next step.

To create a task template go to:

  1. Configuration Panel

  2. Maintenance

  3. Task Templates

  4. Create Task Template

  5. A dialogue will appear, complete the information and submit to create

Creating Maintenance Template Plans

When step 1 (Building Custom Maintenance Form) and step 2 (Creating Task Templates) have been completed you can go ahead and create an asset types maintenance plan.

To create the plan go to:

  1. Configuration Panel

  2. Maintenance

  3. Plan Templates

  4. Create Maintenance Plan Template

  5. Name the Plan

  6. Name the 1st interval of the plan

  7. Select the interval conditions and enter how often they repeat

  8. Choose Yes or No If you would like to Tag Out the plant if it exceeds the interval usage. If YES set the tolerance in % that you will allow usage before the tag out takes place.

  9. Now to associate Maintenance Tasks to this Interval select the Task Template and the corresponding interval section by clicking the + sign

  10. To add another Interval to the plan click the Add Interval button and repeat the process.

Attach a Maintenance Plan to an asset

To attach a maintenance plan to an asset go to the asset:

  1. Click Maintenance > Configure Maintenance

  2. From the drop down menu select the Maintenance Plan Template you wish to associate.

  3. The maintenance Plant Title will automatically inherit the name of the plan. If you wish to rename this for this asset you can.

  4. If you wish to add a description you can do so

  5. Now add the usage hours when each of the intervals from the plan were last performed on this asset

  6. Click submit to attach.

The plan is now in place and the system will manage when its next service schedules are due.

You can view an attached Scheduled maintenance plan either from the asset or from “Maintenance Plans” on the left hand side menu. If an assets maintenance is overdue it will appear red in the table.

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