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How to Configure Maintenance
How to Configure Maintenance
Josh Pike avatar
Written by Josh Pike
Updated over a week ago

In Aquipa you may choose to configure either a one-off maintenance or schedule maintenance plans you have created in the system.

One-Off Maintenance

One-Off Maintenance in Aquipa means that this maintenance is not repeatable. It gives you the ability to create a work order with a deadline, book the maintenance to be performed and then log the performed maintenance against the asset.

Schedule Maintenance Plans

You can create maintenance plans within Aquipa and then configure these to an asset. Maintenance Plans give you the ability to schedule repeatable maintenance intervals in a sequence. From your plan the system will schedule the assets next work order with the required deadline, allow you to book a date for the maintenance to be performed and then log the performed maintenance against the asset. On completion the system will create the next work order and its deadline derived from the interval sequence created in your plan.

How to Configure One-Off Maintenance

1. Go to the Assets profile and click the Maintenance tab at the top of the page. Now select Configure Maintenance.

2. Configure this work order as a one off maintenance then choose the maintenance type you wish to schedule. Maintenance type is derived from your custom built forms. If you do not have a custom built form for this maintenance type you can either create one or choose the basic maintenance template.

The basic maintenance form is a template within Aquipa that allows a maintainer to log some basic details of the performed maintenance with the ability to upload files to support evidence of completion.

3. Scroll through the Dialogue and fill in the remaining fields. Give your Maintenance a title, description and then select the deadline type for the issue to be corrected by.

Note: If the maintenance of the asset is not performed by the deadline set the plant will Tag Out.

4. If you choose to tick the "Requires review" box any performed/logged maintenance on this work order will need to be approved by an additional user in your system before being confirmed as completed.

Permission for User's who are able to carry out the review of maintenance can be configured by going to Configuration panel > Permissions > Maintenance. Please see this help article - Configurable User Permissions & Notifications

5. When configuring a One Off maintenance you will be asked “Would you like this maintenance to Tag Out the plant if the maintenance becomes overdue.” If the answer is YES the plant will TAG OUT on exceedance. If NO the plant will remain active on the system with a warning sign displaying overdue maintenance.

6. Now click submit to create the maintenance work order

7. On creation a window panel will open to the right hand side of your page with the work order details displayed.

How to Configure Maintenance Plan to an asset using Advanced Settings

When configuring a plan to an asset for the first time, using advanced settings will establish the plan to start at the correct maintenance interval.

Note: Before configuring a maintenance plan make sure your assets usage parameters are up to date.

To configure a maintenance plan for an asset using advanced settings:


Go to the Assets profile and click the Maintenance tab at the top of the page. Now select Configure Maintenance.

2. In the bottom right of the dialogue page click ‘Advanced Settings’

3. Now select to schedule a maintenance plan.

4. Select which maintenance plan you want to apply.

5. Give your maintenance a title and a description.

6. Now scroll down and fill out the details of when each service interval was last performed on the asset and click submit.

If an Interval has never been performed you may leave it blank.

7. The maintenance plan has now been configured to your asset and a work order for the next maintenance due will appear in your unbooked maintenance table.

Assigning a Maintenance Manager

In Aquipa you must choose to assign a Maintenance Manager. The Maintenance Manager will be responsible for booking work orders that are assigned to them.

To assign a Maintenance Manager simply click on the icon and select from a list of users who have the required permissions.

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