Add Users
You have absolute control of the Users you add to your account and the Roles & Permissions (see bottom of this article) you give them.
Go to your Avatar (top right of screen) > Account Settings
Manage User Tab
ADD USER button.
4. Create the User: In the required fields and
Input User Email Address
Choose a "Role"
Name (First & Last)
Contact Number (scroll down)
Note: This will send an automated email to that user with their login details.
Delete & Edit Users: Edit Users / Delete Users / Change a users Roles
Go to Manage Users
Select the the right pointing arrow to the right of a Users name
A panel will appear displaying all the details of the user, options to manage the user
Eye Icon - This option will redirect you to view the users profile
Pencil Icon - This option will allow you to edit the users details such as Email, Name, Phone Number.
Gear Icon - This option will allow you to update user notifications
Trash Icon - This option is used to delete a user
List & Pen Icon - This option will allow you to schedule internal Training Lessons
Mail Icon - This option will issue out a 'Welcome Email'. This can be utilised to help a user reset their password.
User Roles
There are currently 3 different types of User Roles in Aquipa - what they can do in the system is determined by what Permissions you grant them. (Go to Manage User Role Permissions to set these rules)
Q. I don' t see the manage user tab
βA. To be able to access the manage user tab you must have the required permissions in Aquipa. Contact your account administrator to have these changed.
Q. Can Aquipa add a user to our account for me?
A. For security and privacy reasons we at Aquipa cannot be adding Users to accounts. This needs to be done by your account administrators.