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Invite Suppliers (Contractors) to join your Network

Grant company's permission to connect their assets to your compliance work flows

Updated over 2 months ago

As a Hiring Client who manages a Supply Chain of contractors you can invite suppliers to join your network in order to register their plant with you. This can be done from within your account.

  1. Go to My Network (left menu bar)

  2. + INVITE SUPPLIER (button top right of screen)

  3. Invite someone who already has an aquipa account or invite a new Supplier via an email address.

Note: to find out if the supplier already has an Aquipa account, type their business name in the search field under the heading Select a Business. If they appear and you wish to invite them, click on their name to select them and press Submit. If they do not appear then simply choose to invite the supplier by typing in their email address and clicking submit.

If Supplier already has an aquipa account they will get an email Notification - a banner will also appear at the top of their account to accept. On acceptance this will connect them to you the Hiring Clients account. (See Image below)

  • If a New Supplier - the supplier will receive an Invite email (from the address that was input) - they will be prompted by aquipa to set up an account, when successfully through that initial set-up phase they will be connected to the Hiring Clients network.

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