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Work Order Requests
Josh Pike avatar
Written by Josh Pike
Updated over a week ago


What are Work Order Requests?

A Work Order Request is a pending request to create a Work Order. A work order request is created by selecting create a task on a failed item in a checklist OR via the plant profile page. Please see the below image:

Approving/Reviewing Work Order Requests

To view a work order request:

Click Work Order Requests on the left hand side menu. All open requests can be found in the open tab.

To view a specific request:

  1. click on the arrow to the right hand side of the request.

  2. A side panel will open and here you will be able to see the relevant details of that request.

To review the work order request

Click the "review" button. You will now be able to start delegating what happens to the tasks on the request. You can:

  1. Approve the Maintenance Task and create it against a new work order

  2. Turn the task into a Plant Admin Task

  3. Reject the task all together.

  4. When all tasks on the work order request have been delegated hit submit to action.

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