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Configurable User Permissions & Notifications: Maintenance
Configurable User Permissions & Notifications: Maintenance
Josh Pike avatar
Written by Josh Pike
Updated over a week ago

How to configure roles with maintenance permissions

To configure user roles for maintenance permissions:

1. Click your avatar in the top right hand corner and select the configuration panel.

2. Now on the left hand side panel click permissions.

3. Scroll down to Maintenance and click the drop down arrow to reveal maintenance permissions.

4. The drop down will reveal a list of permissions on the left hand side that can be toggled on or off for a user role. User roles are displayed across the top.

5. Toggle blue to grant permission or gray to deny permission to a user role.

Warning: Other permission categories may affect a user's ability to use the maintenance module the way you intend them to be able to. Please review all categories and their permission sets.

How to set notifications for maintenance activities

All users are required to configure their own notifications within Aquipa. To do so:

1. Click your avatar in the top right hand corner and select account settings.

2. Under the my profile tab click 'Edit Notifications'

3. Scroll down to Maintenance and click the drop down arrow to reveal maintenance notifications.

4. The drop down will reveal a list of notifications on the left hand side that can be toggled on or off. Notification methods are displayed across the top.

5. Toggle blue to turn notifications on or gray to turn them off.

Warning: Other notification categories may affect a user's ability to be notified regarding maintenance activities. Please review all categories and their permission sets.

How to set time frame triggers for notifications of maintenance coming due

Maintenance coming due notifications will be sent to all users who have this notification turned on.

You may set time frames for when you would like this notification to be triggered.

To do so:

1. Click your avatar in the top right hand corner and select the configuration panel.

2. Now on the left hand side panel click Maintenance then click the Configuration tab at the top of the page to reveal the Maintenance Due Soon Parameters.

3. Set the due soon parameters to the number of days, hours or KMs you would like a notification reminder to be triggered before the maintenance is due.

4. To do so click the inside the parameter box. Set the amount and click the tick to confirm.

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